______ to pieces (homage to all peaceful revolutionaries)

a piece of glass on the wall.
(how) dare you touch it?
(how) can you feel it?

Read more “微不足道(謹向所有和平革命者致敬)
______ to pieces (homage to all peaceful revolutionaries)”

像藝術家一樣畫畫--有排(牌)寫生 Painting like an Artist – Plein Air



「我以前響旺角開麻雀館,亦學過水墨畫。」 “I used to run a mahjong school in Mongkok and practise Chinese ink painting.”
「畫得好靚喎!」 “It’s a beautiful painting.”
「日日都係國際寫生日。」 “Every day is International Plein Air Day.”
「記緊我的電話號碼,你有展覽要告訴我。」 “Please keep my phone number, and call me when you have an exhibition.”

This project is part of wen yau’s on-going Painting like an Artist series in which the artist starts from zero and acquires painting skills from various artists in Hong Kong. For the 2-year durational project After One Hundred at Oi!, she did a plein-air each month in the neighbourhood area within North Point district where she had been living since childhood.

By using the painting techniques learnt from other artists and drawing a place in North Point suggested by them, wen yau intends to re-observe the community where she finds familiar. Local neighbours and friends will be openly invited to join the plein air every month, and to encounter art in everyday life settings. The paintings she made during the 2 years not only convey stories or memories of people about these local places, but also present a survey on Hong Kong painters of different styles as well as her exploration of painting as an art form itself.

(exhibition view of After One Hundred, Oi!; photo by Connie Lo)


>> 有排(牌)寫生 的故事 Stories about each Plein Air


>> 有排(牌)寫生 Plein Air#00-#16

>> 關於「一百之後」計劃 About ‘After One Hundred’ project

This project was presented in the After One Hundred exhibition curated by Gum Cheng, at Oi!, Hong Kong, 31/7-18/10/2015

After One Hundred was part of the Sparkle! series presented by Arts Promotion Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), Hong Kong

〈回應丁級藝術家的U級書寫〉’A Grade U writing in response to a Grade D artist’


文:丁穎茵 博士(香港浸會大學視覺藝術院助理教授)


by: Dr. Ting Wing Yan Vivian (Assistant Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University)

I am absolutely skeptical about examinations. Who would have the nerve to grade the works by Giotto, Velazquez, Dong Yuan or Shi Tao?  How can mere figures reveal the intellectual pursuits of an artist and sensual explorations in art-making throughout the years?  How can quantitative assessments measure the quality of works of art created with one’s imagination and the depth of one’s inner self?  Can one state that the voluptuous and coloured rhythm of Matisse in his compositions is less vigorous, compared to the geometric construction of form by Braque?  How can the refreshing fluidity in the simple yet polished works of art of San Yu be compared with the energetic and rule-breaking abstract language by Chu Teh-Chun?

Read more “〈回應丁級藝術家的U級書寫〉’A Grade U writing in response to a Grade D artist’”

〈丁級 vs. 頂級〉’D for Distinction’




by: C&G

’Visual Arts’ is not a compulsory subject in the education system of Hong Kong.  Generally speaking, only those who are talented or deeply interested in this subject would study this elective subject of Visual Arts.  Only they would then have an advantage to enter the Art department of universities.  Only they would then be able to easily reach the channel to go in the art world and become artists.  The number of artists who hold a Fine Arts degree, therefore, far exceeds the number of artists who do not have such academic background.  In other words, for one who does not hold an Arts degree, but want to become an outstanding artist, s/he must be extraordinarily passionate about art.

Read more “〈丁級 vs. 頂級〉’D for Distinction’”

我是丁級藝術家 I am a Grade D Artist

wen yau sat the very last Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) in 2011 and obtained a Grade D in Visual Arts. After striving to learn painting for 2 years, wen yau sat the very last Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) in 2013 and obtained a Grade D in Visual Arts again. The two examinations are gone and replaced by a new system; and the grading of an artist will remain on her resume despite the effort and achievement she has made…

Read more “我是丁級藝術家 I am a Grade D Artist”

像藝術家一樣畫畫 Painting like an Artist



Read more “像藝術家一樣畫畫 Painting like an Artist”