______ to pieces (homage to all peaceful revolutionaries)

a piece of glass on the wall.
(how) dare you touch it?
(how) can you feel it?

(photo by wen yau)

Very often, people have shamed female protestors to discredit the pursuit of freedom and justice. Sonia Ng is the first female university student to come forward to complain about police sexual violence. wen yau made a post on Facebook that talked about #MeToo in art circles and was interviewed by Apple Daily. These two were also attacked by netizens. Sonia Ng studies the definition of “perfect victim”, points out the absurdities of the culture. wen  yau used a piece of glass to ask people if they were willing to touch and feel the violence?  This seems to ask the victims if they are ready for the secondary victimization when they come forward to post “#MeToo” on social media? Is the society ready to support the victims?

− Phoebe Man. Curatorial Statement, Post #MeToo Art


this project was part of the Post #MeToo Art exhibition, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, 11-18/3/2020, curated by Phoebe Man.

(All photos taken by Pak Chai, unless specified)