廿年回歸前後話 Talkover/Handover 2.0

廿年回歸前後話 Talkover/Handover 2.0

This is a project I co-curated on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Handover in Hong Kong.

Following its first edition in 2007, Talkover/Handover 2.0 continues to generate critical dialogues and creative works so as to review the changes in Hong Kong’s social and cultural landscape since 1997.  Calling and polling for discussion topics in early March online have generated myriad topics among which a top 5 have been nominated by the public: ‘Localism,’ Sustainable Development of Independent Artists-run Space, Art Labour, Art in Politically Sensitive Times, and Censorship. Further to the polling, the open call for proposals resonating with the selected topics has come up with 5 working projects.  In May and June, participating artists of Talkover/Handover 2.0 have conducted a series of public discussion in May and June so as to foster public dialogue and participations.  The exhibition in 1a Space is an accumulation of the working group as well as participating artists’ research.   The creative input will inform further research on Hong Kong art development in the post-Handover times and invite more dialogues on where we are standing and how we can make a difference.

On the 10th anniversary of the Handover, Talkover/Handover – Dialogues on Hong Kong Art 10 years after 1997 took place as a research and creative initiative co-presented by Asia Art Archive and 1a space. Part of the research led to an exhibition of the same title in July 2007, where artists exhibited their individual or collaborative works as a result of their dialogues on post-97 Hong Kong art.

廿年回歸前後話〉 期望透過文化界的交流及創作,回應二十年來香港的變遷,反思我們如何迎向未來。計劃首先公開徵集及網上投票,選出五大藝文議題:藝術空間的持續發展、政治審查與創作自由、政治紛擾與藝術的社會面向、藝術勞動、藝術與「本土」。然後再以公開招募的方式,為展覽選出創作方案。參展藝術家於5-6月間就特選議題舉辦了一連串公眾討論會及工作坊,並從相關的文獻資料找尋靈感。是次展覽將會呈現各方對話、研究及創作成果。展覽過後,我們亦希望持續相關討論及研究。


Project website: https://sites.google.com/view/talkoverhandover/

(this project was supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council)