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From You, I see the Splendid Rainbow of Life

November 2016

Dear Mr Kwok Woon

How do you do?  I take the liberty to write to you, not only because I have heard of your name for long, but also all of your friends told me that you were a generous, casual, friendly and approachable person. Their eyes are always sparkling when they talk about you.  Someone says, without you, Macao art scene is missing something.  Someone says, he wishes there were more people like you in Macao. Someone tells me that nobody dislikes you.  Someone also says that you had a colourful life, and always used colour to confront challenges.  All these stories I have heard make you alive to me; your artwork makes you a vivid person too.  Mr Kwok, don’t you have a larger-than-life character that stays in everybody’s mind?  Ten years after you passed away, I have had a chance to cross your path by collecting stories from your friends, as if picking up lots of colourful fragments scattered in different corners…

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實在,當我們把抗爭現場說成一個供人觀賞的場景,不免會假設了「觀者」與「演者」之相對,也可能忽略了運動中主體間共生互存的關係。既然這是一場自發、見機成事的運動,參與者的互動自是一大關鍵。 眾志成城講求大家的互信和協作的默契,共同目標固然能連結群眾,但當大家一起在佔領區裡協作建立了共同生活的小社區,還需慢慢經歷商討磨合。坐在佔領區,不時有熱心聲援的市民送來飲料食物打打氣;有人在到佔領區挑釁生事,訊息廣傳後人們便會一呼百應的來增援。不同政見的人走到彌敦道上,初時會以生日歌送客,隨後有些佔領者卻會和反佔領者圍坐,並細心聆聽和討論。佔領首日(9月28日)警察在金鐘施放胡椒噴霧和催淚彈後,人潮散去又回來,還激發更多人上街和佔領其他地方;最詭異的莫過於特首呼籲市民在清場後多去曾被佔領的地區消費,有人頓時加入呼籲和響應到旺角「鳩嗚」,旺角清場過後人潮又再湧現街頭。這些不只是即興而發的行動,亦展現了人際間微妙的互動連結。

Read more “超越對立:抗爭作為展演的詭計”

我是丁級藝術家 I am a Grade D Artist

wen yau sat the very last Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) in 2011 and obtained a Grade D in Visual Arts. After striving to learn painting for 2 years, wen yau sat the very last Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) in 2013 and obtained a Grade D in Visual Arts again. The two examinations are gone and replaced by a new system; and the grading of an artist will remain on her resume despite the effort and achievement she has made…

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